Wizard of Oz Party – Food!


So I mentioned earlier that this was definitely the most fun I’ve had with a party before. The food was no exception. It was definitely an easier meal than I’ve done in the past – maybe that was what made it so fun? I also opted out of doing a cake. When given the option, Chloe really wanted everyone to have their own Ruby Red Slipper Bookmarks anyway, so I was happy – ummm very happy – to oblige her. 🙂 Here’s a few shots from the food table….

Chloe chose chocolate animal crackers. Who knew? 🙂

The recipe for these yummy little (rather healthy, actually!) whole wheat crust fruit pizzas is here.

Mini pumpkin donuts – these things were a huge hit…and I didn’t even add the extra sugar coating!

And this was the hit of the party. This recipe shall remain secret. My lands was it awesome!

Costco. $15. Yeah, I cheated.

These were a great make ahead dish that just had to be reheated – again, simplicity was a BIG factor this year. 🙂

And what’s a party without a good punch? This one was not as sweet as others…mostly whole fruit juices, which I liked, and it went over great! I love that cookbook btw. A lot.

And for the birthday girl – her Ruby Red Sipper Cupcakes – with blue/white gingham cupcake liners! They were Paula Dean’s Red Velvet recipe with cream cheese frosting.

But all that work (or lack of!) would have been completely pointless if the little girls didn’t enjoy it!

I love how many chocolate animal crackers they all seemed to load up with…

About Kim

I am a sinner, miraculously saved by grace, living by faith, and pressing toward the mark of being more like Christ. I absolutely love being a stay-at-home mom! I'm also a caterer for a few weddings throughout the year, a baker, and a party planner. And I love to play in other people's kitchens as well as my own! My husband, Chris, just finished his studies for his MA degree in Pastoral Studies. He's a wonderful (and super smart!) daddy - and the most loving and supportive husband. My two beautiful daughters, Chloe and Kami, are the joys of our lives! We pray that they both would be greatly used of the Lord. Throughout their short time here on earth, we have learned so much about ourselves, our God, and the gratefulness we have towards our own parents, who raised us in the ways of God's Word. Our third unborn child is a blessing as well - even after its recent pre-diagnosis of Trisomy 18, or Edwards Syndrome. This blog has kinda turned into a little journal of sorts of our dark journey down this rather uncommon road. I stay busy cooking, cleaning, gardening, and raising the plants I killed back to life, and homeschooling. I blog when get the chance. :) We are always happy to have visitors, so please stop by anytime! Although, if you do give us a call first, we'll make sure to have some fresh cookies and sweet tea available when you arrive!

5 responses »

    • Thanks, melanie! It was a ton of fun – and actually really easy, and super cheap. 🙂 🙂 That’s a win-win in my book! 🙂

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