Tag Archives: Ranger

The Bravest Man I Know



Guest Post, written by my husband. . . thanks, Babe!

Every now and then, we get caught off guard by inexplicable emotions. A deep feeling that is much more than joy or sadness – it’s a bit of each, actually. A feeling that has a sense of urgency, though you feel no rush. A feeling of restlessness and longing, but also a sense of peace, too. This is the feeling that’s been sitting deep within me for the past several days – because my hero is leaving.

My hero is the bravest man I know. He’s funny, charismatic, has a million-dollar smile. Every time you say good-bye after having spent time with him, you’ve left him a better person than when you came. Nobody loves their wife or children more than him. He’s moral, full of integrity, and and just plain all-around-cool. The true irony of Cpt. Tim Crawley, Battalion Chaplain in the US Army, is this: he’s not allowed to carry a weapon, but his hands are registered as weapons . . . yeah, he’s a third degree black belt. And that’s just the beginning.

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